So what is the first 30 and why do we think it's a beneficial addition to your life as health and fitness coaches...?
The first 30 is comprised of 3 segments that make up the initial 30 minutes of waking up before your day begins.
We believe making an effort to wake up 30 minutes prior to your normal daily routine (if you do not have a morning routine already set) can be the spark you need to achieve better things in your life. Mentally, physically and spiritually :)
The first 10 minute segment we labelled mindfulness which is our blanket term for getting your mind in action. Reading, meditation and slow forms of yoga (yin) can really place you in the right headspace for a good start to your day!!
The second 10 minute segment we labelled exercise! Make this interesting, fun and something you enjoy and stick to! Some may use this component to improve their flexibility through targeted mobility training, improve their cardiovascular health through a walk/run or learn some new skills that are physically demanding. This not only gets your blood flowing but sets your body up for success! You will also be running with endorphins knowing you have already done some form of exercise that day making it easier for you to add more :)
The last and final segment of your morning should be set for task prep... Set up your day by listing the various tasks you need to tick off before bed that night. Get creative and add little flags in your note book to show you the importance of each task you have set. Do not forget to add in some time for yourself and writing this down with time stamps will ensure you are putting you first. Gaining a better understanding of your true self will allow you to flourish and be more centred when tackling bigger fish in your life.
Try make this adjustment to your mornings and let us know how you go :)
Tag us @dynamicrecov on instagram or facebook with snippets of your first 30!!